Place your containers out for collection at the kerbside or your agreed collection point by 6am, and no earlier than 6pm the day before.You can download a label to put on your kitchen recycling bin. It can help to set up a separate bin for recycling in your kitchen, next to the general rubbish bin. We provide various recycling leaflets and posters in other languages. In some cases you can have more than one of some types of bin – find out how many extra bins you can have. Check what goes in which bin or download a poster showing what goes in which bin.Check when your bin will be emptied and add your collection dates to your online calendar.We’ll publicise any changes online, and you can subscribe to an online calendar of your collection dates. From December to February we only empty green bins once every four weeks, changing back to fortnightly from the first Monday in March.īank holidays, including Easter and Christmas, affect bin collection dates. We empty your black bin every two weeks and empty your blue and green bins in the week in between. one black bin (or white plastic sacks) for general rubbish.one green bin (or brown paper sacks) for compostable garden and food waste.one blue bin (or a recycling box) for recyclable items including cans, paper, glass, plastic packaging, cartons and cardboard.

All houses in Cambridge should have at least: