"Netflix will be great on Wii U," I'd tell friends, apparently talking right out of my ass. This should have been an early killer app for Wii U, and instead it just sucks.

Everything is accompanied by an agonizing wait. Booting up, loading software, loading games, refreshing feeds. But imagine Twitter where every time you wanted to view a new tweet you had to wait five seconds. People can post text and images to the Miiverse feed, kind of like Twitter where you can draw pictures. Clicking on anything in Wii U's menu, anything at all that you try to do, takes For. This is the problem that makes every other problem seem that much worse. Times reporter Ben Fritz found, you might permanently brick your new Wii U. Oh, and don't get impatient and stop the process halfway, or as L.A. So be aware: If you buy a Wii U for Christmas, you're going to be spending a good part of Christmas morning and some of Christmas afternoon updating the OS first. Except the giant update – which contained Miiverse, Netflix, a web browser and God knows what else – was such a ginormous download that it took users around 90 minutes to pull it down. Here are the 10 things that tick me off the most. Until then, Wii U has over-promised and under-delivered.

Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 had all kinds of problems when they shipped, and remember when the iPhone didn't even have copy-and-paste? Nintendo does have the ability to upgrade all of these features over time – and it should get cracking on them immediately. Problems like this at the launch of a new piece of hardware are to be expected. Wii U, available in $300 and $350 configurations, has a bunch of these features – Netflix, a social network feed called Miiverse, a digital game shop – but all of them have distinct problems that make the user experience less fun than it should be. Unfortunately, Nintendo is still lagging behind when it comes to creating what consumers are increasingly expecting out of their devices: a feature-rich, multimedia online experience.

U, showing that the big N still has the magic touch when it comes to making great play experiences. We've raved about early launch games like NintendoLand and New Super Mario Bros. On Sunday, Nintendo finally released Wii U, its new game console.